“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Sunday, July 22, 2012
He Completed Fasting 30 Days Then Arrived in a Country Still on their 30th day
If I were to travel on the 30th day of Ramadaan from London just after Magrib time, after having broken my fast and I wereto arrive at my ...
Muslims say they do not worship idols. When they go to Mecca, why do they kiss a black stone?
Isn't that like worshippingan idol? Muslims do not worship the black stone. They regard the stone as a created thing. The most fundame...
Dr. Robert Morey proves in his book that Allah is the name of the moon god worshipped in Arabia before Islam. Is he right?
The book you refer to is entitled The Islamic Invasion: Confronting the World's Fastest Growing Religion, published by Harvest House P...
How can you say that death is not theconsequence for sin whereas the Bible clearly teaches that it is?
The best way to understand this would be to study the story found in the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible. Let us begin with a brief outl...
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