“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Saturday, June 16, 2012
The Heart of the Matter
Sometimes we have a problem with a Muslim or Muslims, and we get frustrated and we think, "I don't want to be around those people ...
Fight for It
Anything I have in my life, Ihave fought for. Yes, it all comes from Allah. The two are not mutually exclusive. There are universal gifts ...
Your “Stuff” is Not a Part of You
You are not defined by the stuff you own. Your "stuff" is not a part of you. Your "stuff" will break, disappear, or be ...
Laa ilaha il-Allah
Frankly, if you became Muslim for any reason other than this, then you never understood Islam to begin with. And if you were raised Muslim ...
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